2021 SEAPEX Dealer List

Business Name; Dealer; City/State; Phone Email Stock
African Drummer; Keith Moreland; Everett, Washington (425)493-3278 Large African stamp stock. Many new British, French, Egypt, Ascension, Burundi, Botswana, etc. New worldwide S/S.
Robert Beall; Portland, Oregon (503)231-7588 Always buying and appraising stamp & cover collections.
Bel-Kirk Stamps, Coins and Comics; Bill Tribou; Kirkland, Washington (425)827-4790 Covers, postcards, British Colonies, French Colonies, Portugal & Colonies.
Classic Asia-Pacific Stamps; Stephen Inklebarger; Chehalis, WA (360)451-9205 Hawaii, USA & Possessions, China, worldwide to 1955, Cinderella’s, covers, and revenues.
Colonial Stamp Company; George Holschauer; Los Angeles, CA (323)933-9435 Major US dealer in the stamps and postal history of the British Empire 1840-1936.
Ed Dimmick; Sacramento, California (916)571-5884 US, Cinderella’s, seals, topicals, worldwide.
DK Enterprises; Dick Keiser; Silverdale, WA (360)692-3818 New covers, new revenues, new collections – Free appraisals – Always buying.
EverGreene Stamps; Tim Greene; Auburn, Washington (253)941-8783 100’s of large and small country collections. Contact me before the show for a list.
Hall’s Philatelics; Jim Hall; Kirkland, Washington (425)822-3227 U.S.; British Commonwealth; Scandinavia; Europe, Topicals and new issues.
Gary Hoecker; Clackamas, Oregon (503)698-4128 US Mint and Used, Plate Blocks, PNC, Modern Varieties, Booklets. BOB including Airs, Cut Squares, Revenues & Ducks, EFO’s, Sheets.
Horse Heaven Stamps & Covers; Stephen Recher; Kennewick, WA (509)582-8784 Norway and maybe more by the show!
Michael Jaffe Stamps; Vancouver, WA (360)695-6161 Hundreds of new collections, most at 80% off catalog. Large selection of U.S. sheets @ face value. Stamp supplies & new Scott catalogs.
J.G. Collectibles; Joseph Gray; Bremerton, WA (360)551-7939 US & Worldwide Collections, Stamps, Covers, Post Cards Buy & Sell.
K & R Enterprises; Richard Kostka; Thompson Falls, MT (406)827-1958 Changing inventory of early US, Canada, Western Europe, British, and South America.
M/NH Philatelics; A. Keith Kaufman; Los Angeles, CA (310)822-9385 Specialize in Western Europe & Colonies, Scandinavia, Middle East, Japan.
Paper Dreams; Michael Kerschbaum; Lake Forest Park, WA (206)362-8124 US & Worldwide covers and postcards in all categories. Stamps – singles and lots by country. $1 cover boxes.
Stamp Art; Tom Kinberg; Lincoln City, Oregon (503)910-9552 Added 67 red boxes to the worldwide stock over the last 15 months.
John Ullmann Collectibles, LLC; John F. Ullmann; Edmonds, Washington (425)275-7635 Postal History.
Uptown Stamp Show; David Markowitz; Portland, Oregon (503)295-3085
Store: 2373 NW Westover Road, Portland, OR 97210
1,000 collections, most priced at 20% of Scott’s. Extensive new inventory of U.S., world sets and singles at half Scott or less.
Weinstock Stamps & Covers; Larry Weinstock; Portland, Oregon (503)200-4868 Discounts & more discounts!! The more you spend the bigger the discount. Check out collections – Really Good Deals.
Copyright 2011-2021 - Seattle Philatelic Exhibition, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Seattle Philatelic Exhibition (SEAPEX) is a Washington nonprofit corporation and an Internal Revenue Service 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Donations may be tax deductible as per the United States tax code.The purpose of SEAPEX is for educating the public about stamp collecting. The organization sponsors and stages an annual national-level stamp show that includes a large variety of philatelic exhibits and provides a venue for many dealers in stamps, postcards, and other philatelic materials and supplies to offer their wares for purchase by collectors and other interested persons. The exhibition also includes youth activities, Boy Scout merit badge seminars, specialist group meetings, presentations, free stamp evaluations, and other special events.
Webmaster - Bill Seymour - Seattle Philatelic Exhibition, Inc.

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